
GameStop, my enemy......

So, as some of you may know the Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin limited edition box is out as we speak. On the East Coast at least. I called GameStop this afternoon at, about, 1:00 p.m. and I promptly asked if they had gotten in the LE boxes in. The girl on the other end said "Yeah, they came in. But, they sold out already." Much to my dismay I nearly through my cellphone into the garbage and started crying. After all, this is something I had been waiting for TWO fucking months already. And to have it sellout just like that!? I had this pre-ordered before PLENTY of people at the time. How the fuck is it possible that Johnny Doughnuts, who pre-ordered two weeks ago, gets one and I don't? How the fuck!?

I hate to say this, but, with the way things went with the PS3 pre-orders and now this.....I don't even know what to do anymore when it comes to pre-ordering games. FFXII was pre-ordered ASAP and guess what? SquareEnix decided to throw out their ENTIRE inventory of LE tins into all GameStops and EB Games.

I remember back in the day when we pre-ordered something game-related we actually got the fucking item. Now we have to pre-order in direct fear of these, truly, limited items. I think I'm just about done with pre-ordering crap. I've had. If I pre-order something months in advanced I don't deserve to be told "First come, first served" for NOTHING.

Anyway, I'm gonna pre-order MGS4 and a shitload of PS3 games next year. Yes, I'm contradicting myself. BUT, at least I get the game before a bunch of people.

And to the person that got MY Castlevania Limited Edition box. FUCK YOU!


Shade said...

- (

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the whole pre-order mess going on these days. I've had similar pre-order nightmares happen to me yet I still go back and pre-order with them. I'm such a sheep.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain on that one. I'm gonna use up my store credit with them and never go back. It's a load of horseshit that you can preorder and NOT get your item. That was the whole fucking point pre-orders were being used to begin with.